Re: Fun little SP
At this moment I'm also playing SP games and never used mods before... Now I've tried Sombre's mod setup (Concep Balance/Worthy Heroes/S'n'S) alongside with and I had plenty of fun with them!!
Definitively the No Indies (NI) map versions are a must! Yes, those are challenging but it's rewarding to live and die by your own troops without the help of external outsiders...
Like Max I'm also playing EA C'Tis (best Death/Nature Nation) and I wish I could recruit some archers for ranged support. Luckily, there's always light at the end of the tunnel: A small squad of summoned Firbolgs eqquiped with Black Bows Of Botulf will do the job.
I have no idea in map file scripting, but having a look to the NI versions of the maps I found that the only difference is the following lines for each province at the bottom of the map file:
#setland XX
#poptype 89
Is there anything else required for converting standard maps into NI equivalents?
I also processed some NI maps using Jack Trowell's Dominions Map validator and randomizer with default settings for an extra spicy touch.
Unfortunately the results were a bit confusing: one of the Nations started in a province crowded with Longdeads and a couple of Bane Lords replacing the Nation's starting default commanders...
Does somebody know if this interesting online tool works properly?
Forgive me if I'm not posting in the right place, although these comments (maybe) will be useful for other players whom tend to only read the main forum (like me)...
Extra thanks to Sombre for sharing his SP mod setup and also for the very handy and updated mod list. I quickly found all the required mods thanksgiving to it!
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