The fatal flaws of scripting mages...
Currently playing in a game where R'lyeh Mind Lords & Aboleths are teleporting into my Atlantian provinces, scripted with, Body Etheral, Personal Luck, Quicken Self, Astral Shield, Breath of Winter, Attack Closet.
With this a single Aboleth or Mind Lord can defeat 25 - 30 Atlantian PD, 9 times out of ten.
Okay, fair enough, so I send out a few mages to boost the PD a little and hopefully kill a few more of the MInd Lords & Aboleths. I equip a lvl 5 water mage with 3W gems and script Summon Water, Winter Ward, Water Ward, Friendly Currents, Water Strike, cast spells.
My mage absolutely refuses to follow his script, resulting in the battle being lost. Obviously the AI is classing the single Mind Lord/Aboleth as no threat, when of course it is.
Isn't this a clear case of scripting being fatally flawed?
I believe in the future perhaps Dom 4, you should have a option of switching the AI scripting off/on. So when off it follows your spell script exactly, when on works as it presently does.
I know this as been discussed many times, but as its so annoying I thought it deserved a all the new players a chance to growl at the AI scripting as well.