Hi all,
I've been testing my automated PBEM program for a bit now, and it all seems to be working well, so I thought I'd start up a new game on it. I've noticed there's not been very many games started recently for newish players, so this could fill that slot (I won't be playing in it).
Because I've always enjoyed Gandalf's "blitz" games (they're not generally played as blitzes, but that's what they're called), I thought I'd copy his settings for this one - hence it's called "GreyWizard" in tribute

To join the game, just e-mail a pretender file to pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net, and make sure the subject of the e-mail is "GreyWizard". Also post here to say you've joined.
You can look at who's joined so far at
4 players, 50 provinces
Using the
worthy heroes mod (just gives a few more interesting heroes to each nation). You can get it here.
Okay, please go ahead and join!
Edit: Thought I might add a little guide as to how to create and find your pretender file, being as it isn't obvious if you haven't played a PBEM before. You can't make your pretender through the normal "Create a new game" route. Instead from the main menu, you need to click "Game tools" and then "Create a pretender god". When you've finished a file will be created in the folder dominions3/savedgame/newlords. If, say, you were creating a god for Marignon, it would be called mid_marignon_0.2h. This is the file you need to send.
There's no need to put a password on your pretender, since you'll be the only one with access to your turn files. If you do put a password on though, please PM it to me so I can find a sub if, say, you disappear (happens occasionally).