Hang on, 'find' a good sprite? You mean /make/ a good sprite. That is if hastily editing a black acolyte's robes to be white and giving him a book to carry actually counts
I didn't know that about Linux. It sounds very annoying. I'll try to fix that stuff up in future versions of my mods, but to be honest it's likely it'll slip my mind, I'm too used to windows.
In a future version Ulm Reborn will get an all new pretender and maybe a couple extra from the vanilla ones.
The Emergent has the same attack as the penitent - he's no more skilled, just stronger and more determined. I think the anchorites are good enough to use regularly now. Those immunities are nice when the magic is flying and they are still capable of dealing damage equal to their cost.
I hope you enjoy the mod - any and all feedback is very welcome. I'll probably try that itemslots fix soon too, see if I need to apply it to a bunch of my work.