Hover Hover Hovercraft!
Looked in the game manual, and there wasn't anything about them and what effects they have; in fact the Class list still has:
UnitClass 239 MRV Heavy IFV MRV APC Clone
Playing around with MOBhack....caused the discovery that Class 239 enables the hover effect.
To test how hovercraft perform, I made a test map with every type of terrain possible, and then bought eleventy billion of them.
Hovercraft cannot enter:
Tree Hexes
Orchard Hexes
Impassable Hexes
They can move on most anything else that is open, with very little chance of bogging/immobilization.
My only nitpick is that while preventing them from moving into wooded hexes makes a lot of sense for large landing craft type hovercraft, such as the LCAC, and the Soviet Giants, because they're so big (47 foot beam on LCAC, 57 foot beam on the Aist); the smaller hovercraft can manuver more easily around obstructions like trees, et al.
I think this can be improved for MBT 4.0 (if you guys do choose to continue development), like so:
Add a "10 Hovercraft" moveclass that has the "no bog" bonus, but has a 50% penalty (or even worse) for moving through woods/orchards; because while they might be great moving fast in a straight line, they get hard to control precisely when moving at slow speeds. This also allows OOB designers more freedom in designing hover-craft based platoons, since you could use existing unitclasses for classification.
Unitclass 239 Hovercraft stays in, with it's "no orchard/woods" flag, to represent ungodly huge landing craft, like the LCAC and Soviet monsters.
Just my .02 cents.
Apologies if you tried the moveclass, and found it broke the game heavily.