First of all let me say thank you for the feedback. I was pretty disheartened after creating this mod because no one was commenting on it. This mod took the most work artistically of any mod I have done to date and I was getting pretty discouraged, but two new replies, excellent
I may consider changing the name of the Rohan Militia. I used that moniker not to compare them to the Dominions 3 independent version with the same name, but rather to reflect how they are referred to in books or write ups on rohan. Rohan never has a real standing army, they depend on militias during times of war.
The helmet is a great catch, this is the kind of feedback I love to get. They will definitely receive a helmet in a future incarnation of the mod.
The wise women are pretty old, what keeps them from getting the old age icon is that they normally get 1 to 2 nature picks randomly. Do you think I should bump their age up anyway? I can bump them up to where they are old enough not even nature magic can save them if you guys feel it would be more thematic. Currently I have her scripted for #older 30 which means she starts 30 years older than a standard mage with the same magic picks.
One of the things I was afraid of in this mod was not adding custom spells. Most new modded nations come with all the bells and whistles including modded spells but I could not think of anything thematic to go with Rohan. Lord of the Rings is such a low magic setting, it is hard to add anything magical without taking some creative liberties.
That being said, what do you guys think about a bump to priest levels (as Cor suggested) and some holy spells being added if I can find a way to add them and still maintain the Rohan feel of the nation?