Evilhomer said:
I was never suggesting any HI. You get +45% LI with that production bonus as well.
Even with Prod 1, you're already gold bound rather than resource bound if you're buying LI (assuming you're buying Golem crafters every turn and saving gold for your next fort). That LI isn't very good investment and you don't want to buy more of it than necessary for the expansion.
Evilhomer said:
The benefit from growth is exponential in your original lands (as well as the lands you take over), by turn 100 (if you are still in the game by then) it almost doubles your income (1.006^100+0.06=1.88)
Heavy raiding usually starts much earlier than that and all those useful spells depopulate the land rather quickly too, and as Agartha you don't have too many defenses against raiding, so this is not very reliable plan. On another side, conquest usually increases your income by 50%+ in 10-15 turns. You should count on strong players conquering at least 3-4 nations by turn 100, so you need to match that pace if you want to have a chance.
Evilhomer said:
I stated earlier that i would take the points from the heat scale. Yes it gives slightly more fatigue, but it hurts your opponents just as much, or if you are out of your dominion it doesn't matter...And with growth and order+production gold bonus together (they all actually work together with good synergy) you can take the gold loss without much problem.
I am not aware of any synergy between order and production gold bonuses. They give 7% and 2% completely independently. Heat is also independent and gives you -5%. So each heat + production scale decreases your income by 3%. Besides, with the good battle mages, extra fatigue is likely a drawback too.