Re: The Illogic of Flight
a skilled natural flyer would never "land" during combat, so the trampler would be picked to pieces while he waited.
Creatures that are skilled in flying, and attack with claws or beak, are going to attack the head, neck, eyes. they are not going to land and claw at the elephant's feet.
I think a demon with wings may likely "land" on the elephant's spinal cord where the elephant could not reach it and attack it from there, if it landed at all.
In short, i see a big difference in units that can fly, but have to aim bows or cast spells, and units that are "natural" air units that attack with their nature-given weapons, teeth claws etc.
The latter i do not see getting trampled. Agile units on the ground do get a bonus to avoid being trampled. But obviously if there are 10 elephants, which one are you going to dodge?
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.