I've decided to host a new game for new/newish players.
I'm thinking around 4-8 players, and a not-too-large map - maybe around 15 provinces each. In my experience this is plenty big enough for lots of interesting things to happen, but not so big that it can get overwhelming. We can sort out details when we see how many players we've got.
Oh, it'll be an MA game.
So, post here and choose a nation if you want to play! I'll tentatively put in sum1won and Xanatos because they said they would be interested.
Cor - Pythium
Ubercat - Pangaea
Zoshan - Ermor
Izzyz - Caelum
StrictlyRockers - Arcoscephale
Aristander - Machaka
Digress- C'tis
Yucky - Eriu
The game will start on Monday (4th June), or Tuesday at the latest.
Map: Parganos (Edi's fixed version)
Everything on default (indies, research, magic sites)
Worthy Heroes
Blessing Hotfix
Just stick the map file in your dominions3/maps folder, and the mod files in your dominions3/mods folder (all of them will need to be unzipped first, of course).
When the game starts you'll be e-mailed a 'trn' file. You need to make a game folder to put it in. Go to 'dominions3/savedgames', and create a folder called 'Capybara'. Save the trn file in there. Take your turn ('Play an existing game'->'Capybara'), and once you've hit end turn you should find a 2h file in your Capybara folder. E-mail that back to the server (just reply to the e-mail it sent you and attach your 2h file).
Hope that's all good and vaguely clear.