Re: Lost in Time and Space
I love MA R'Lyeh (I haven't really tried LA yet) and the void gate is a big part why. I always use a priest Starspawn or the Cthugul special hero in the gate myself. You get quite a lot of weird results, from Things of Many Eyes to such lovelies as the Vastness or Greater Othernesses.
I'm curious about the returning scripting as well. It states you cannot cast it if you are already at he capital, so I have never scripted it for this purpose yet. I tend to throw immobile summons as the summoners bodyguards, but I don't give him items. It's not like the immobile guys have a lot else to do.
Can you destroy the Earth?
Egad! I hope not! That's where I keep all my stuff!
Guide to EA R'Lyeh