Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
I was thinking of Master of Magic, actually.
Maybe, if you controlled a province, and all the provinces around that, and they were all of the same type, you could cast a spell (or build a magic item and sort of plant it in the ground) in the central province and set up a sort of "magical node" (a name change would ofcourse be appropriate) that would produce a gem each turn for you. The "node" as it were, would only function if inside your Dominion, and you could use the province-changing spell to set this up. A small benefit, but perhaps of interest.
I was also thinking of it's most direct successor, Lords of Magic (special edition). Really incredible maps on that game. The best looking that I've ever seen in a game. Since this *is* a wishlist, I'd love if Illwinter could find the guy who set up the map editor and get him to set up a map editor to include with the game.
(If you haven't tried this game and you see a copy, by the way, I really recommend grabbing it. Except for not including an item editor (for who knows what reason), the game is superb, second only-in my book-to Starcraft as a (sortof) RTS.)
Also, I think it would be great if magical sites that don't require paths to find, were present and visible on the greater map.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!