The automated monthly site searching via ritual is great now that you can have more than one mage casting the same spell, but there is one minor annoyance which seems like it'd be easy to code a fix for. The auto-targeting logic targets provinces which can't have any more magic sites. In particular I'm talking about national capital provinces, but also to a much less common degree provinces which already have 4 discovered sites. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's anal retentive enough that seeing the mages target something that I *know* is a waste of gems and time is enough to make me manually re-target them...but then the next turn they're right back to targeting the waste of time because it still hasn't been searched!
If you've captured two additional capitals, that's a swing of about 45 gems and 24 mage-turns to just grin and bear it if you're searching all paths...not trivial.
Anyway, not a huge thing, but if it's an easy change I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like it.