Kwok\'s next Mod
I've started to put together my next mod. Right now I'm tentatively titled it "Kwok's Galaxy Mod" as it will be my interpretation of the SE universe. It's going to be based off the Balance Mod in terms of general game play, but a lot more flexible in terms of what I'll be adding or changing.
One of the initial changes will be the separation of supplies from engines. In the mod you'll need to add reactors to provide supplies for the engines and there will be a less rigid engine cap to allow for a wider range of ship speeds.
Ship Construction will be amalgamated into a single long tech area, with hull upgrades completely intertwined. For example, you might receive access to a large Battleship hull at the same time you get access to a level III destroyer hull etc.
I'm also expanding the early game weapons to include a bit more variety and the weapon tree in general.
I'm going to scrap armor slots (like SJ's GG mod) and bring in a directional damage system by using just the outer/inner slots. Armor will therefore be leaky and I'll be able to introduce different types of armors to mix and match for designs - think light/heavy armors from SE:IV leaky mods etc.
Not sure if it will feature leaky shields.
I'm going to mix up racial traits a bit as well. Organic and Crystalline traits will provide only their types of ships from the start with and will treated more like the paradigms in Fyron's Adamant Mod. Other racial traits will become "technology traits" that are cheap and provide access to certain components/facilities/weapons.
There will be a few more facilities and they'll vary in size. I might introduce some sort of pollution concept if SE:V will be co-operative in that respect.
The AI will be based on the Balance Mod work but with the necessary tweaks to make it compatible with the described changes. I'll actually be working on both at the same time as it will be no issue transferring 95% of the behavioral changes between mods.
Feel free to post ideas/comments.