0060 Three SdKfz 222 tried to moved along the north forest road, but were destroyed by KV shooting through the gap in the forest from the center. One SdKfz 222 in the center also destroyed. Another either retreated or slipped through our line. Halftruck immobilized by German arty. Two of 152mm battery ordered to fire.
0070 One KV immobilized by 7.5mm howitzer. The rest ordered to advance. Where the hell main geman forces ???
0080 PzIII seen in the forest. If the axis of German advance go through the forest that's not good. Infantry will not be able to hold them. If our T34 went against german in the forest losses will be huge, and KV just too slow, to move them in and out of the forest. All cavalry but scouts ordered to move into forest. Three halftrucks moved there as well.