I know this may come as a shock to you all, but I think I'll be leaving Space Empires for a while... see, a few weeks ago I tried to dual-boot Linux, but while the installer was resizing my Windows partition it failed; Windows wasn't too badly damaged but some of my Control Panel icons were missing. Yesterday I finally decided to do something about it, so I pulled out my Windows XP CD and did a repair installation. Everything went fine, but I forgot that it was going to ask for my CD key again, and I couldn't remember where I'd left it. (In retrospect I realized that since this copy of XP was downloaded from MSDN Academic Alliance, I could have gone on the MSDNAA site to get the key, but I didn't think of that at the time.) So I decided to go ahead and wipe the drive and put Linux on it for good. Unfortunately this means I can't play SE5, and from past experience I seem to recall that switching mods in SE4 is not fun when you don't have Fyron's mod launcher utility. Honestly I think I've spent enough time on Space Empires anyway, and maybe I'll come back to it later, but for now it's time for a break. (Yes, I know I could just reinstall XP now that I know where to find the CD key, but I really don't feel like going through that again, and as I said, Space Empires has been taking too much of my time.) So I'm leaving all of my PBW games - I'll probably still frequent the IRC channel (you guys are great company

) but don't expect me to play any more Space Empires for a while. Sorry about this, but I think this is a sign that I just need to take a break - the game has become so addictive that it's almost a job now to get my PBW turns in every day, and I'd rather find something else to do...