Archonsod said:
Just hope Illwinter survives the crash of 2010 
I'm not going to predicate that such a thing will happen, but there is some truth to that. This mostly applies to consoles, which hardware advancement has been slowing down over time (PS2's still sell better than PS3's. The PS3 is a fantastic piece of hardware, but relative to previous generations?...). Eventually, you can only make so-much improvement to 3D-prettiness. Plenty of genre's and themes are getting worn out: WWII has been beaten to death; Too many First-Person Shooters seem like every other FPS; etc. Couple those with the skyrocketing development costs for mass-market games, and one would suspect that something 'has to give' sooner or later.
Actually thats another reason the Nintendo Wii is so cool; by exploring such new-areas of gameplay, it could theoritically prevent such a "video game recession" cycle from happening. This doesn't really apply to computer gaming, which mass-market has been slowing going downhill compared to consoles(Though WoW sure has given it a shot in the arm).
Note: My mentions of PS2, PS3, and Wii are merely observations and not meant to spark any potential fanboy arguement.