Normally, the purpose of a spam is immediatly apparent. Get you to buy something or click on a link or install something or something else equally obvious.
However, I cannot make heads or tails of this spam and in the interest of idle curiosity I have decided to throw it out there for the community to look it. To wit:
{u}(g) {N}{e}(w)[s] To I*mpact (C){Y}(T)
Chin#a Yo^uTV {o}(p){.}
Symb^ol: {C}(Y)[T]{V}
We (h)(v)(e) al^ready (s){e}{e}(n) CYTV'.s marke^t impa+ct be#fore c-limbi#ng to {o}{v}{e}[r] $2_.00 [w][t]{h} {n}{e}{w}[s][.]
Pres^s Re+lease:
Ch.ina Y_ouTV's CnBo#o (W)[e] (S){t} Ran+ks [N][.]{1} on M,ic+rosoft [L]{v}(e) S,earch Engi`ne
C,nBoo Tra#ffic Incr* {4}<9>[%] (v){e} {T}[w](o) M-onths
[e](a)[d] [t]{h} news*, t^hink abo^ut {t}{h} impac_t, and
(u)[m][p] on [t] fir`st thin^g To_mor^row mor`#ning! $0*.42 is a {g}(i){f} at {h}(i) pr^i,ce.....
Do (y)(u){r} hom`ewor.k [n][d] wat+ch [t](h){s} tr^ade Mond`ay m+orning.
I think you see what I mean...
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
Sig updated to remove non-working links.