LA Agartha technique
This is how I play Agartha - in single player
Get a rainbow pretender great sage, and research nothing but Conjuring-5. Defend yourself as yuo see fit until you get there. Then send you sage out to find sites and start summoning the crap out of Umbrals. Use them as your front line (with a few meat shields to take the first volley of arrows). Keep summoning them in bulk, if you can build up an army of about 30-40 of them in your front lines you are pretty much unbeatable because they have good MR as well as being ethereal. They also can take on water provinces well if you summon a wraith lord and give him an item for water breathing or something. Banes work well if you are low on gems.
While you are holding your own and taking other people's home sectors, research up gift of reason and start GOR'ing umbrals up the wazoo. Equip them which charcoal shields, marble armor, amulet of MR and amulet of luck, and maybe some handy boots for either flying (nice for hit-n-run) or for quickness or rejuvination. They have a good drain life and generally double their HP to about 128 and stay there during most battles. I have seen a single GOR Umbral thus equipped take out hundreds of enemies, and easily anything but a main force. They'll die quick against a true enemy force with good magic users and so on though. As an aside, they'll take a TON of hits and get lots of crippling ailments pretty quickly. Be prepared to bring them home after 8-10 rounds of fighting and give all of their loot to a new fresh GOR umbral.