You mean a "#goneberserk" comand for new creatures? Sounds nice.
I was just looking, if you could do that via magic items (armors). Since magic items can have spells on them and you can give an armor to a creature so that it does not drop, that sounds like a plan to give it a Rage spell for itself.
But then I had to see, that the only things you can set for magic items at the moment are the research and cost of the currently available magic items.
Well, looks like I'm in the right thread here:
I'd like to see modding comands for new magic items:
#newmagicweapon <weapon id>
#newmagicarmor <armor id>
#castspell <spell id> (This spell can be used at a fatique cost of 5)
#autospell <spell id> (This spell is cast at the beginning of each battle)
Every unit command (except for name description and maybe a few else) should be aplyable to items, too. And obviously give that property to the wearer of the item.