New Nation: Absaroka
This Mod adds a new Mid-Aera nation:
Story short: Tribal Nation with Wendigos in the leading.
Now 1.0!
Some words about balancing so far:
Magic: The nation has quite some magic access. However the casters are also quite expencive, makeing them hard to use as researchers and combat-casters, save both.
I'd like some feedback from Linux-users whether the sub-directory-thing for pictures works.
Oh, and the Subtitle "Blood Moon Rising" is:
-The name of a national spell - No Summoning and hopefully thomething that will be a little buffed in a final distant version - if the moding options are improved then.
-The first of 3. I'm planing an early and a late version, too, through the wendigo-part is only for mid-aera.
Latest changes:
hero3.tga was bad. fixed
Last edited by Edi; August 27th, 2008 at 11:11 AM..
Reason: Prefix