Re: Changing Man, wanting Zombies.
Precentage water = precentage area, not precentage provinces. Water provinces are larger, but fewer.
100 rugged, otherwise standard
20% water on a 300 province map yielded about 17, instead of the expected 60. I'll tweak ruggedness in the opposite direction, and then back to normal and then experiment with water levels. But my next two experiments are staying at 20% water, isolating just what Ruggedness does.
Try 2:
Ruggedness 0 gives me a map entirely full of water. Interesting. This may play a larger factor in the proper water distro than I expected.
Try 3: Rugged 5 produces a nice looking map, with two size 10-15 lakes. So, about 10% expected no of sea provinces.
Mark A
Try 4: Rugged 5 produces a ridiculously water heavy map, where the water area is more like 40 or 50% than 20.
Mark B
Try 5: same. This time, one expected size, somewhat large (maybe 30) province lake.
Try 6: Rugged 50. One frikkin huge water area- not as bad as the worst case of the 5 rugged, but a lot further from the 20% surface area than I expected. The number of provinces is fairly close, though.
Other unmentioned ruggedness tests... The higher the ruggedness, the more reliably low the water count is. Maybe this has something to do with how the game draws the terrain, and not the provincial divide? A search turns up the same question, but no answers I can find.
30-40 sea, rugged produces favorite results so far. I'll experiment in different ways tomorrow. Such as 20-20.