KissBlade said:
Principes are one of the best national flood troops in the game. Not to mention, they counter Ulm troops pretty solidly since their main strength is their high defense. Ulm troops are more or less used to be fast expander, walls for your indie archers/xbows/master smiths. Granted they aren't as uber as Principes, it's not too fair to match them like that.
Why shouldn't Ulmish infatry be as uber as Priciples?
Pythium has Uber-magepower, extremely good national summons and Principles.
Ulm has a *much* worse magepower, no national spells to speak of and infantry that sucks when compared to Principles.
[sarcasm]Yeah, Ulm is fine as it is[/sarcasm]
Ok, I admit that might have been a bit overly-dramatic comparison since Pythium is a major MA power, but there is a problem when two nations in the same age cannot even be
compared against each other. But the thing is, Ulmish Infatry should be able to do more tha just die slowly and "buy time". They need to be strenght of Ulm in itself. They have a huge weakness in sucky mr, they should get something to "balance" that weakness (being extremely good in non-magic battles sounds like a good strenght). Their high prot is already balanced by high encumberance, high resource cost and low def.
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