Re: Map Preview: The Eight Gates
Thanks for the curiousity.
Edi is correct. I'm using Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic to make the maps... actually, I'm using a community mod that adds a lot more graphics to the map editor (I think its called Unofficial Patch 1.4). AoW:SM is a great TBS 4x game I think, and I found about about dom3 on forums for that game.
Afer I build the map, I stitch it together in powerpoint, then import to gimp and make layers for the provinces, and edit some of the graphics a little (blood pools are actually water pools originally, and I think I'll try to make air, water, astral nodes look more different, as they are too hard to tell apart in my opinion.)
I'm not sure if I will continue to use AoW:SM for maps after this one. It is rather time intensive, and while the graphics are pretty, I'm not sure if I like the feel/scale. I think my maps show individual mountains and trees more, whereas most dom3 map (and hence, my impression of what they should look like) show forests and mountain ranges. I do think this package would be great for a Single Player map, as there are SO MANY cool graphics that could be used for special sites. But I'm not using those really (aside from the gates).
If you have opinions about the look of this map, let me know. I'll hiatus after finishing this guy, but after that I'll decide whether to switch platforms before my next map I think.