Hi, its the noob, DC here. So I am in my first MP game and just dawned on me I was looking at the resources number and not the supply number of the province where my massive army is poised to attack the foul smelling Shinuyamans (sorry, spacht). So now I am wondering how bad are the effects. The description of diseased sounds like you get afflictions every turn. How long can my force remain viable? Is having starving troops fight a bad idea or a way to cull the herd so there is more food to go around for the strong?
Also, if I get them to a province with enough supply, are they instantly back to healthy? By healthy, I don't mean cured of afflictions, as I know those are hard to get rid of, but I mean will they have that one turn cushion of being at the starving stage before the diseases kick in if they set out in low supply lands again?
Thanks, this is a great game, in spite of my stream of dumb mistakes leading to the needless deaths and suffering of many of Ulm's finest...