Re: Anyone else excited about the next patch?
Well I'm hoping it's the #entryspell idea that I was talking about before and it allows you to replicate the ability used by mandahas casting darkness, pythium communicants casting communion slave etc when they first enter combat.
If we were able to assign any non ritual spell to that, we could do some really cool stuff. For example:
Commanders that enter battle and summon something at the start.
Commanders that auto berserk.
Commanders which bring enchantments in, like DV assassins autocasting darkness, a Morrigan hero autocasting dance of the morrigans etc
Commanders that autobuff your army with a powerful buff spell.
Commanders that use the spell to gain an ability we don't have a tag for, like charge body, mossbody, phoenix pyre, hell you could even have them blink at the start of battle.
That's just off the top of my head. It would be such a useful tag, if that's what it did, that it could essentially replace the need for a load of other tags. I mean how cool would it be to have commanders who cast hell power whether you like it or not? Or who can't fly outside of combat, but in combat cast flight prebattle? Loads of possibilities.