I am working on a new multiplayer tournament/campaign. It will be somewhat abstracted and is more for players to have fun rather than trying to make it historically accurate. It should allow for faster operational turns as well. I still have some more work to do before it would be ready to go but I am over a pretty big hurdle.
For those who want more information it will be 'somewhat loosely' based on the Combat Mission - Domination Europa system that RICO(FGM) created and has graciously allowed me to steal some ideas from (primarily his "INITIATIVE HEX” System);
I have my own map that will be used but will need to create some new icons to match the OOB's we will use. We will also need to determine the number of teams.
Here is the
Basic Sequence of Play .
Any player on a team can initiate an attack on an enemy hex from any one of their team controlled hexes by posting their challenge to the forums (no team can initiate more attacks than 1/2 of the total # of players on their team unless they have available "Initiative Hexes"). Initiate Hexes would be considered bonus "freebie" attack options.
An attacking player posts his intent to attack from Hex X to Hex Y. The OC (Double Deuce) creates the map to be used for the hex. The defending team posts who will accept the challenge (to play the battle via Pbem). The attacking player sets up the Pbem using the created map (using Full Security). Both players proceed as if setting up a normal Pbem using the force purchasing guidelines (this should result in all battles being balanced, at least in points). The game will be played through to the last turn till the end game screen comes up. The end game is sent to the OC for final review and the game is reported on the SP Gamesquad Ladder (non-rated).
Based on the end game result the following will most likely happen if the hexes involved are both considered "Open Terrain";
Attacker - Decisive Defeat = Defending Team retains control of the attacked hex AND takes control of the Attacking Teams hex where the attack was initiated from (Hex where attack originated from becomes Initiate Hex for the "Defending Team").
Attacker - Marginal Defeat = Defending Team retains control of the attacked hex AND takes control of the Attacking Teams hex where the attack was initiated from (Hex where attack originated from occupied by "Defending Team").
Draw = Both side retain control of the original hex locations.
Attacker - Decisive Defeat = Attacking Team seizes hes (Hex occupied).
Attacker - Decisive Victory = Attacking Team seizes hes (Hex occupied AND becomes Initiate Hex).
* The results above are only drafts and depending on the terrain in the attacked hex these results will be somewhat modified. For example, of the hex attacked is across a river the defender if a Decisive Win will take control of the Attacking Teams originating hex BUT the captured would not be considered an Initiative Hex. Other results will be set depending on the hex attacked into and the hex attacked from.
* No two players can play each other in back to back Pbem's. This will ensure everyone plays and keeps players from continually having to play each other over and over.
* These rules will be documented and finalized in detail before any play begins so don't worry if it is confusing so far. This is only a rough overview.
Any questions so far?