Super Restricted Pretender Mod
I was just talking on IRC about how it would be cool if national pretenders were a bit more restricted, especially as several of the default ones, such as Wyrm and Cyclops, are superior to most national ones.
So I thought hey, I can make mods, so why don't I try and do one to restrict pretenders a bit more? I knew of a few issues already with pretenders:
1. If you select a pretender and add #restrictedgod (nation number) the pretender is removed from all other nations it was available to. Thus you need to copystats it to a new monster number and add that one instead.
2. If you copystats a pretender with a new monster without restricting it to a certain nation with #restrictedgod (nation number) then it will appear as a default choice for all nations. This is what causes the 'hornblower pretender' bug in Worthy Heroes 1.8.
3. If you #selectmonster one of the default pretenders and give it #restrictedgod 79 (a high unused nation number), it vanishes from the default pretender selection of all the basegame nations.
Knowing this, it is entirely possibly to make a mod which restricts pretender choice more, assigning the default pretenders only to nations which thematically should have them.
So the first thing I need to know is, which are the default pretenders? Secondly, which nations in which eras should get them?
Should EA Marverni get the wyrm, should anyone else? Let me know people.
Monolith (NS, primitive, more EA than LA)
Oracle (S, civilised, water theme, 'good')
Blood Fountain (B, 'evil')
Sacred Statue (S, civilised, humanoid, 'good')
Sphinx (S, heat scale, egyptian)
Wyrm (Serpent or nordic)
Manticore (Scorpion trait, flying, possibly blood themed?)
Titan (male - TBC)
Forge Lord
Master Lich
Ghost King
Vampire Queen
Freak Lord
Arch Mage
Frost Father
Great Sage
Master Druid
Great Enchantress
Dragon (Red)
Dragon (Blue)
Dragon (Green)
Prince of Death
- Wyrm -
EA Niefelheim (He's not cold blooded)
EA Vanheim
EA Helheim
EA Sauromatia
EA Oceania
EA Atlantis
EA Rlyeh
EA Ctis
MA Jotunheim
MA Mictlan (MA is more serpenty and less blessy)
MA Vanheim
MA Ctis (He has swamp survival, so it's ok)
MA Pythium
MA Oceania
MA Atlantis
MA Rlyeh
LA Utgard
LA Midgard
LA Ctis
LA Pythium
I currently think this is too many nations for the wyrm. I'm thinking I'll have to decide he's either a serpenty god or a nordic god.
- Cyclops -
EA Arcoscephale
EA Agartha
MA Arcoscephale
MA Agartha
LA Arcoscephale
- Titan -
EA Niefelheim
EA Arcoscephale
MA Arcoscephale
MA Jotunheim
LA Arcoscephale
LA Utgard
- Prince of Death -
EA Ctis
MA Ermor
LA Ermor
LA Ctis