Oh okay *LOL* Aside from using the built in tech tree in research, I check the TechAreas text file as well as Components.... Im pretty sure that for stealth armor all ya need is Armor 4 or above... (or is it 3?) Coz I noticed that emissive, stealth, and scattering armor all seem to come around the same time... Level 5 gets you II in all 3 armors, and Level 6 I think gets you model III... Tracing it was easy from the built in tree, but crawling thru the TechAreas, while tedious, is a good way to figure out what opens what...coz each one has certain "Requirements".. and those requirements can be defined easilly in the file... Offhand I dont think there is a field for "open this tech up..." but rather, on the tech you want it to open up, you need to have a the "Requirement" field say that the other tech be a certain level... Am I making sense? My buzz is gone so I should be a little more clarified *LOL*
PS - If I still am nowhere near the mark, then I am not buzzed ENOUGH. So therein would lie the problem
Careful though, I added a custom tech to be found on planets, and I positioned in the file below Massive Shielding and Above Solar Sails, and since it was an existing game, my solar sails disappeared *LOL* Now I only append new stuff to the end of the data files... Id rather not gut them and play with the order of components... I cant be without my sails now....
EDIT - TechAreas has the requirements of all tech areas and tech levels bunched together, I think... Its a hefty file.
[ 15 March 2002: Message edited by: Cynapse ]