Productive Scale needs some Enhancements
I played a good amount of MP games and i used a large range of different scales. But one scale is an autoset to me: Sloth 3 - whatever i play. Even with resource haevy nations i go rather to an Awe Combat Pretender/Bless Strategy than to use the productive scale.
The main problem with productive: Its ok (and not more) in early game but quite useless in mid/lategame. With a good amount of fortresses and conquered neighbored provinces gold is the limited factor and not resources. In addition mages becomes important and they don't need much out of your forges.
Well there were already a boost/nerf but i think its not enough. The productive scale should be further improved and the sloth scale further worsen.
Maybe with something like in productive dominion your armour/weapon is well maintained and oiled so you got a bonus. In sloth everyone is too lazy and there is a malus for armor/weapon.
Equal to the magic/drain scale and the MR malus/bonus.
Or in productive provinces your army is supported more effective and needs less upkeep (more in sloth)
Or maybe just some code friendly increased income bonus.