In Review: Best Fleet Strategy
In order to beat back the ever-encroaching night of ignorance, let us review the best fleet strategy so that our newbie players can skip much of the painful trail-and-error approach.
Start with berzerker stats, and pump up ship defense and inteligence to the max, taking from the other useless categories like strength where nescisary.
Build 15 escort hulls with x2 DUCs and ECM. Buold about five fleet supply ships to go with them. If you are smart about managing the construction by using extra space yards and researching in the correct order, you should have your fleet ready in a little over 20 turns.
With these stats, your escorts loaded with such tremendous defense bonouses will almost NEVER be hit, and will lay down CRUSHING fire against ANYTHING.
Then take your fleet and proceed to wipe out everything in your path.
Game over.
The Super Genius