New modding commands of 3.14
EDIT: #onebattlespell is mentioned in the mod manual. I still left the appopriate discussion to the end of this post due to info it contains.
The following modding commands aren't mentioned in the manual, but they work:
#newitem, #descr, #weapon, #armor, #type, #name, #copyspr,
This syntax seems to work:
Creates a new magic item and selects it for modding by the
following commands. End creating the magic item with the
#end command.
#copyspr <magic item nr>
Copies the sprite of the specified magic item to the current magic item.
#name "text"
Sets the name for the active magic item. Changing name of a
magic item will remove its description as well, so make sure to set name before description.
#descr "text"
A text description of the magic item.
#weapon "text" | <nr>
Defines what kind of a weapon, if any, the unit gets when it uses the item. Works on misc item, boots, shield, 2-h weapon, 1-h weapon. Does not work for helmets, armor.
#armor "text" | <nr>??
Defines what kind of armor, if any, the units gets when it uses the item. I didn't actually test this, so it might be limited to name only, just as #armor for units.
Defines whether the item is 1-handed or 2-handed weapon, a shield, a helmet, a body armor, a pair of boots or a miscellanous item. Defaults to miscellanous.
1 1-handed weapon
2 2-handed weapon
3 not forgeable, can be wielded on two hands - probably a bug
4 shield
5 body armor
6 helmet
7 boots
8 misc
At least with #nextspell, to use custom spells you have to use the spell ID number. Because spell ID's can't be defined manually, the number a spesific spell is assigned changes depending on which mods you have enabled. The first new spell will be 829, the second 830 etc.
A mod which uses #nextspell won't work if any mod that adds a new spell was read before it. I think mods are read in alphabetical order, so mods that use one or both of the above should probably be named "". This allows them to work with other mods that add spells but don't use #nextspell. Also, if new spells are added in any future patch (and there's at least one more nation coming, MA Vanarus predecessor of Bogarus), the spell ID numbers will change.
#name "Bashing Stone"
#weapon "Boulder"
#copyspr 282
#descr "Stone with runes to throw it far"
#mainpath 4
#mainlevel 2