Re: PBW needs your help
maybe if pushed, aaron could get it to run with the .x file, but without the textures.
basicly each model, has a .x file and one more more texture files. the .x file just describes the triangles which make up a 3d model, the texture files are just the pretty skin.
geo, one way to support custom shipsets with mods, is to get the mod designers to include a folder with the 3rd party shipsets in the modname\empires folder. this folder only needs the AI files IF the entire complete shipset is in the default(sev\empires\shipsetname) empires folder as well.
The benifits of this is that PBW admins only need to keep the default empire folder up to date.
The Problems with this, is that mod devs need to keep the mods up to date, OR allow the mods to use the default empires via the "Allow Main Empires:= TRUE" line in the mod_definition.txt in the mod folder.
problem with the latter is that it shows two shipsets when choosing your shipset at the empire setup.