Preferences & opinions R personal.
If Illwinter wants to limit its sales by making its game less appealing to many players - it’s their choice.
Gamers play for different reasons. Bartle’s MMO types barely touch the surface of player types but show clearly that gamers are not monolithic. Strategy gamers are also not uniform either.
Much of this recent discussion is about personal preferences and opinion.
But people buy games to enjoy them and if they don't enjoy playing the game in demo or that a friend has they will not buy it. A steep learning curve has killed sales on many games. Players who learned the game either in previous versions or by playing with similarly designed games may not notice the learning curve problem or because they don't mind it they may dismiss it. Other players especially new players may simply choose not to play and some may influence a lot of their friend’s choices.
I personally believe it is IMPOSSIBLE to cheat against my computer. It's a machine executing code not yet any sort of being. So a personal opinion to the contrary is noted only as one individual's opinion. Repeating this opinion is simply overlooked.
I feel from my experience noting player styles in the gaming market that when you make design choices that effect the learning curve you are accepting the fact that you will lose sales. I honestly feel Illwinter is aware of that but our discussions may also affect their perceptions.
Just because we as more computer and code aware players can do a savegame workaround doesn't mean that most players would not find this out of their comfort zone or too much hassle in a game they wish to play and enjoy.
I think jscott makes it clear Illwinter is losing sales by not including the savegame feature.
Take care,