Advice for Bandar Log in Dawn of Dominions map
First off, I'm a pretty new player to Dom, but *really* enjoying it - great game, great community here.
Here's my question: I'm getting to know the different races in SP. I've mastered the 'Bless' strategy of the Van/Hel. I've got the missile/infantry strategies of Ulm down. I've won a couple times as Ermor, Sauromatia, and Agartha.
Now I'm working on the Bandar. I've read the strategy guide, but I'm still getting slaughtered by C'tis or Hel - does anyone have any tips for playing the apes on this map?
Biggest problem: my missile troops aren't a match for Hel's ethereals or C'tis' chariots - I can't get the kills in before my morale fails and the monkeys run for the trees. I've also tried the Yaksha swordsmen with a bless, but can't make them in enough numbers to tip the scales.