You didn't attack? Then I should suffer your magical attacks quietly? Your own words is "it is open season on Turn 50". But you throwed a bunch of "murdering winter" on my land since turn 47. Personally I consider this kind of actions as nasty as breaking a NAP.
You got 200+120+110+170=600 units in 4 provinces adjacent to TC. I expect another 200 units around your capital and other forts. Your province number is between 40 and 45. What I said is exactly true, isn't it?
Never faced Fomoria? How did you get (173)? (and even further in northwest?)
You lost a commander last turn? Then you draw the conclusion that you will only be able to hold for a while by just losing one unit?
Whatever Niefel has, TC has 2x? Unfortunately for you, the score charts are on. The only advantage TC has is our research level. Everyone knows one giant can beat 3 infantry. Amry size speaks nothing.
Be honest, "peaceful" frosty giants.

Nystul wants to kick out his opponent TC, while saving his own power, for later battle.