Re: Age of Wonders Mod
The best you can do is just do the description and whenever somebody does get the hero, they can rename it so the name matches.
As for what you want, take a look at the Worthy Heroes mod and how the heroes there have been beefed up. For Julia, I'd probably go for something like
hp 14
prot 0
mor 17
mr 18
str 12
att 14
def 16
prec 16
mapmove 2
ap 13
ldr-n 120 or 160
ldr-u 0
ldr-m 10
forest survival
awe +2
standard +20 or 30
female (well, duh)
magic A3E3N4H3 (or H4 instead of H3, if you prefer)
Weapon Enchanted Sword
Armor Silver Hauberk, Golden Shield (or Enchanted Shield)
That'd be fairly thematic. At least it comes closest to how I've envisioned Julia, but may be influenced how I played the original Keepers campaign with Earth 3 Life 4.