Re: Lethality of SAMs
In the current West-German OOB, a Roland I SAM (Weapon # 135) has warhead size 8 but HE penetration & kill of *only* 4 each. This is a warhead twice as large as of a MANPADS but pen&kill on MANPADS level - comparable systems like Rapier (UK OOB) (WH size only 6!) have HE pen&kill ratings of 10, SA-9 has 5 (well it's a MANPADS-derived missile AFAIK), SA-13 Strela-10 (WH size only 5) already has 10, Tunguska (WH 9) has 9, SA-8 (WH 10) has 18 (!) (data from Russian OOB) --- well, apparently there are some inconsistencies, but please don't ask me for comparisons & data (Is Roland somewhat weaker armed that other missiles?), all I got is what anybody can find on the web and those sources say no ;-).
I modded them for my German OOB as usual, as well as including newer Roland-II and III versions but I would hope that this will be included in the next patch as for PBEMs, mostly standard OOBs are used...
'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'