I said I was not kidding and that there will be no further warnings. I don't make empty threats regarding documents I've produced myself. The previous post was not an empty threat and it was not a bluff. It was a promise.
- The Dom3 FAQ is gone.
- The UOR Mod manual is gone. The version I had ready for v3.17 with all the fixes for the will not be released.
- The forum attachment of Better Independents mod is gone.
- As soon as I get home, all of my Dominions 3 maps will be gone, likewise all copies of Dom3 DB 3.15 and earlier that I have delete access to.
- The download version of Better Independents mod will be deleted.
The bug shortlist will be updated as normal and I will be around to maintain that.
The rest of the stuff is not coming back anytime soon, if at all. You can all thank Aezeal and paparapapa for that.