WraithLord said:
I think the MP community needs to have a hosts hall of fame (and shame) where hosts are measured by the number of games they actually hosted to the end.
I won't go into more graphic vocabulary like I'd want to, but let me just say that I think that this is a bad idea. Not just because it would affect me, but in general, it's just as bad an idea as a "Hall of Shame" about players is a bad idea. Why do people try to bring this up again and again? Is it you specifically, WraithLord? Just drop it.
That the server went down was a disaster which wasn't foreseen and which shouldn't have happened. But as much as natural catastrophes are an "act of god" which you can't do anything about, the same is true for what happened here. The other servers that you mentioned did not experience a blackout like that. How do you know if the situation would look any different, what gives you the right to say that they're "better" in any sense? If the llamaserver suddenly burst into flames or if Pashadawg suddenly tripped in front of a train, those games would be lost, too. I think that I always went to great lengths for the players in my games. What I learned was that I should do even more extensive backups than I did. That's a lesson learned. I wouldn't understand or accept any judgmental behavior on this, though.