Gileadite Archers
The Gileadite Archers of Ashdod are very nice units. They use special longbows, have high hp and armor, and can fight in melee in a pinch.
They are really tough to mass though. Even with the best scales, how do you gather enough of the 45 gold 49 resources archers together?
I propose you never will. You may have 10 of them, or maybe 20 if you have been hoarding them for a while. Not really cost-efficient when you probably have an indy province that can produce regular archers at 1/4 the cost.
That said, I think Gileadite Archers should get a boost in precision. They are at 10 now, which is not great. These guys should be specialists... master archers. I think a precision bump to 12 or more is greatly needed to make them cost effective.
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