AdmiralZhao said:
Corwin: Yep, I'm having the same problem. It started for me about 45 minutes ago, when I clicked End Turn. Previously I was uploading my moves at about 20 minute intervals, and so long as at least one player hadn't uploaded a turn, it seemed to work ok. The last time I clicked End Turn, DryaUnda had also submitted a turn, and at that point I ran into the freeze problem. Maybe the turn was already processing at that point, even though I was connected to the server? It'll be interesting to see how much of my turn is actually executed. By interesting, I mean potentially maddening. =) My troops are going to look pretty silly if the right SCs don't show up at the right places.
Hmmm, why were you uploading your turns in 20 minutes intervals? You could just connect to the server, get your turn, disconect, make you turns taking as much time as you need, and then upload it.
(sorry if I what am saying seems obvious to you, which is probably the case, just trying to help)
And yes, you are right, it doesn't matter who is connected to the server, as soon as last player upload its turn(or timer runs out) the server will host.
DryaUnda: As for stalling, I think Admiral Zero is right, you have stalled last turn, not this one. Which is not a big deal - for example I have managed to stall one turn ago, immideatly after Mictlan launched massive attack against me. It has costed me dearly in provinces, troops and initiative in this war, which I am now trying to wrestle from him. But stalling is part of the game, even though it can be frustrating like hell (it was for me).
At least you have only lost some troops and couple of provinces, since I don't have many amphibian troops at this moment, and two of my tratarians who were attacking you went mad during your stalled turn, so I couldn't use them.