Can a mod limit castle construction?
One of the things that really make the endgame a bit tiring is digging out an opponent castle by castle when he has 30 castles and maybe free spawn as well. Yes there is crumble,
and I use that freely. But it takes valuable e gems to crumble, and it puts the onus solely on the attacker rather than the player doing nothing.
And nothing is more maddening then ryleh having a castle in every single water province they own. Try digging them out of those in the late game as a land race! It can be done, but it would be nice if castles could be limited somewhat(id at least like to explore the option).
Is there any mod that could stop a castle from being constructed, or cast(wizard tower, 3 red seconds) on any province that has a castle adjacent to it already?
That would still permit castles to be adjacent if it is "found" in a magical site after a castle was built, but would not permit construction of a capital next to a "found" castle.
Even if a mod could only stop the ones constructed with gold-that would be a help.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.