This thread is to create a one-stop location for finding servers which host Dominions 3 games. If you want to run a game then you can run it on your own machine, or these servers might be able to run it for you. There is a thread which has suggestions on how to best start and run a game even if it is being hosted on someone elses server which you can read here...
How to Run a Game
LlamaBeasts Server:
This is a PbEM server (Play by EMail) which has a "Create Game" link making it very easy for people to create their own online game for multiplayers.
The Frequently Asked Questions file for the site can be found here..
LlamaServer FAQ
Gandalf's Server:
This is a TCP/IP server (direct connect) which mass-creates many games and leaves them available for signup. Special games can be hosted on request.
Check for open games here..
Dom3 Demo Games
Blitz Games
CBM mod Games
Players vs AI Games
Chaos Games
SemiRandom Games
Mid-Sized Games
IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
There is also a Dominions chat room on
channel: #dominions
port: 6667
You can go there and request a game. Setting one up is very fast, and the game play can go very fast. Its a great alternative to games which process only once a day. Diplomacy is also instant using the chat rooms. Or you can always just go to the Dominions room and ask questions in order to get a few very fast answers.
Here is a discussion including some tips in its use...
IRC Channel
Here is an excellent effort at coming up with Rules of Conduct for multiplayer games.
People starting a game might want to refer to this and say "these shall apply".