Wine and song for the discerning gamer.
I've already talked about politics, religion, and sex tonight, and this is a gaming forum, so the only things left are food and music.
Every bar & grill needs a menu, so what are some dishes (besides revenge) that you all like to eat while gaming?
And what do you like to listen to?
What would be a perfect gaming environment?
How many senses besides touch and sight do you incorporate into your gaming experience?
And what games have caused you to "go deeper" into the experience than just playing them?
For an example, when I was big into the Total War series, and playing Byzantium in Midieval: Total War, I started researching and creating authentic (as close as I could get) Byzantine dishes.
After all-the Emperor of Byzantium (me) should eat like an emperor!
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!