Information: I wanted to try a new pretender online. So I figured I would get the game together.
Age : LA
Map: The Eight Gates
Turns: 48 to start, 24 after everything is set
Number of players: 6
Let's keep it civil, and keep any treaties that are made.
1. Pythium - Pelthin
2. Ulm - Licker
3. Man - Grudgebringer
4. C'Tis - Ossa
5. Mictlan - Hoplosternum
6. Utgard - Dragar
7. Atlantis - Nikelaos
8. Midgard - nozshand
Game has been set-up on Llama server, here is the link to the game page:
Changed the name to Buggy, as Llama wants at least 5 letters in the name.