Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
Thanks for doing what you could. It was much better then letting the nation go AI.
To Vanheim: I hope your large army likes dying a slow and painful death in a disease infested swamp. I suppose I neglected to mention that feature of the landscape.
Yeah, lets call that a beginner's mistake... I'm using that same die-in-the-swamp strategy in singleplayer games all the time!
I'm really noticing that one turn at this point of the game needs actually lots of time and attention to be carried out succesfully without being infested with simple mistakes. I just dropped out of my second game so I could concentrate more on Standards, I hope it improves my gameplay a bit.
I had my last turn actually carefully played out in good time, but then my son came and pressed the power off from the computer. I had to replay the turn in haste last night, so I blame him for any mistakes I made