Yes you can provide gods, magic, scales for AIs. You can also give it additional starting armies, starting equipment, additional starting provinces and castles. All of that can be done by commands that can be added to a .map file so that it happens every time you play that map.
One of the maps I had for Dom2 (which I need to redo for Dom3 sometime) had Ermor in a corner sandwiched between oceans. Ermor, Rlyeh, and Atlantis were all allied together (they would not attack each other). They all had designed gods, extra castles, extra armies, and starting equipment. The Deadly Atlantis Rlyeh Ermor alliance (D.A.R.E.) was definetly designed to be played against allied human players.
You can also join one of the ready made Player-vs-AI games on my server. (such as Redfrog linked to earlier). It creates small games with 3 allied AIs.