Yep, sorry for the OT, AreaOfEffect, I too wanted to say that your guide is very interesting and deep
Originally Posted by ano
Take astral and indies will hardly ever strike it both with bows and swords and it will be able to teleport. Take earth and its regen level will allow you to ignore those scrathes while fatigue will never be more than 0. Taking air is also viable.
Well if you're planning to put up to three magic paths into a Wyrm you probably won't use it awaken, which is what I've been thinking. S3 for teleport is 90 points. Summon Earthpower (you were thinking about its +4 reinvig, as the Wyrm has encumbrance 3?) is E2 for another 66 points. Air 2 for Mistform, another 66.
I prefer to use different chassis, less expensive chassis types to go for the buffs. But I admit I am a n00b too