Originally Posted by Cor2
one more thing,the republicans DID steal the elections, twice. But the democrats let them, so who cares?
Seriously, everyone knows both sides cheat, and while that doesn't excuse any of the behavior pretending that one side actually holds some kind of moral high ground is simply not based in reality.
Obama and McCain are both qualified to be president, but neither seemingly brings what this country actually needs to pull it out of the funk it is in.
Leave aside the foreign policy concerns and focus on the internal issues, and explain how either of them actually address anything in a substantiative way.
McCain is no Bush, he is no continuation of the past administration, honestly, Obamas tax plans are actually closer to Bushes, but that's neither here nor their, since neither of them have what it takes to actually fix the system, all they do is pander to the public with useless band aid type fixes when a tourniquet is needed.
Obama tells you he will give you a tax break... never mind that the people he is promising this tax break to already pay zero income tax (not all of them, but the majority), so the claim that he is redistributing wealth is accurate. McCain is telling you that the wealthy and corporations need a tax break to keep job growth strong, never mind the evidence which suggests that this economy has more serious issues with the credit market in the first place making these tax cuts meaningless and likely damaging.
Yep, neither one is preaching any kind of sanity when it comes to the economy or the budget. Both are trying to scare you into thinking the other one will be worse, when the clear facts are that neither is going to be good.
So keep on voting for bad and pretend that that because your less bad is better than the more bad somehow you are doing good.
Or take the step and actually vote for a party or candidate who is not beholden to the existing power structure, vote for real change, vote for something actually good.