Need modding info
I am currently working on a huge mod for SEIV. Basically one part if it i would like to do is make it so planets do not have any innate unit launching ability. I want to make it so you must build a facility like "Fighter Base II" however i have been unable to find a way to strip off a planets ability to launch units. Is it even possible? Thanks for any help, either way it turns out to be.
just a side note for anyone remotely intersted, this is what my mod will be mostly about:
This mod is designed to increase the importance of a single planet, as well increase the importance of remote mining & ground combat as well as make rads and organics more important. Heres how i plan to do achive this.
-Colony ships will be massive investments (The 1st colony ship an empire builds from homeworld will take about 15 turns with no build bounses.)
-Indvidual Colonys will be able to hold many many more facilties than in regular SEIV. However faclities will be bigger investments.
-Regular population will have next to no value in combats(even the smallest troops will be able to beat them in ratios of 10:1. Therefore in order to proctect the colonies wich are huge investments you will need station gaurd troops. Otherwise you will easily lose huge investments, while handing over tons to oppenents.
-Weapons Platforms will be exteremly powerful, and hard to damage without weapons specicly desgined for attacking planets (like planetary napalm)
-Due to the fact that setting up a opertion planet takes so long you will have a heavy reliance on remote mining.
-Ships parts will need more Rads&Organics